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  • English 中文

    HVSEN is committed to generate genuine and sustainable added value, which requires the best possible balance among ecological , social and economic needs . In all activities of and products /service providing, the highest priorities are human and animal safety, environmentally sound processes and products.

    Our mandatory principles on environment, safety and health(EHS) are laid down in every operation. In addition to compliance with national and local laws and regulations, the goals of the international treaties and conventions are also our guiding principles.

    All activities of HVSEN are compliance with EHS. Even at the stage of supplier selection, price and quality are not the only criteria. A special appraisal mechanism is used to assess suppliers’ compliance with EHS requirements . HVSEN provides its customers and partners with comprehensive information and service to ensure that its products are used in ways that are safe and not harmful to the environment, and can be properly disposed of.

    HVSEN guarantees its consist investment in EHS. HVSEN strives for continuous improvement of its EHS performance by developing new and better products, processes and services with efficient use of energy and resources, minimization of environmental impact and waste generation, and proper disposal of wastes.